The webmanga "First Impressions" has now moved to its own site!
You can now find it here!!

02-18-04 Added Issue #15 of FI, one Fantasy character bio pic, and two CGs
02-11-04 Added Issue #14 of FI, and one Fantasy character bio pic

4-28-04 Update: The new First Impressions site is now up!! Yay!! ^_^ Check it out here:! Check there for FI-related news. And keep it tuned here for other art from me and new news!

4-8-04 Update: Thanks to those of you who've stuck around even through the lack of updates. I've got good news and bad news. Good news first: First Impressions is now being hosted on Keenspace, so from now on it'll have its very own site, complete with gallery, downloads, fanart (yes, I actually have recieved fanart), profiles, etc., which I'm building now. You can find the backissues on a barebones site now at:

Now for the bad news. I promised to upload a first-anniversary special for FI next week and I fully intended to do so. But certain things happened and let's just say I no longer have a scanner. That issue (plus several others) are ready and waiting and as soon as I figure out some way to get them up, I will. I may have to get creative, but I will try to get it up, even if it's late. Well, that's all for now. Keep checking back! -- Rachel

3-27-04 Update: It's been one heckuva month. We're back from the hospital now (for a two week breather) before we go back. Life is settling into somewhat of a rhythm again. I have decided not to abandon First Impressions or to keep it on an extended hiatus. I'm gonna bring it back with a first-anniversary special in mid-April, so stay tuned! Thanks to all of you for your kind words and prayers -- they are really appreciated. See you in about three weeks... -- Rachel

2-22-04 Update: My mom's been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. Things are tough right now and I obviously can't keep up the comic, so it's officially going on hiatus. I'm not drawing much either, so there won't be any updates for awhile. I'll periodically post an update as to what's going on, but besides that, I'll be gone for awhile. Please keep praying, and I hope I'll be back soon. -- Rachel

2-18-04 Note from the Author: I won't be updating the site for awhile. There's a family emergency going on right now and I really can't do the manga or any art for at least a little while. I hope you all understand, please pray, and hopefully I'll be back soon. -- Rachel

      Konnichiwa! Welcome to Ame no Melody v3.0! Ame no Melody is my personal art gallery, but it is also now the home of the web manga, First Impressions. Check back often for new issues of First Impressions and new art from me!

      I'm in the process of inking all the backissues of First Impressions. The majority of them are already up, and the others will be following soon. Also new issues will be on their way as soon as I can get to them.

      I've added several new sections to the site, including the Forum, Downloads, and Character Bios sections. The Forum features a Guestbook, polls, and a form where you can email me! The Downloads section has AIM buddy icons, and will also have Wallpapers and other cool downloads. The Character Bios page will spotlight each character and their story, giving stats and backgrounds. So don't forget to check out all the new sections!

      And, of course, in the CG and Sketches sections, I'll talk a little about each piece of art. I could really use your comments, critisims, and questions! So don't hesitate to Contact Me!

     Enjoy the site, and don't forget to tell me what you think!

All pictures Copyright 2002-2004 Rachel